by hoegrangequarry | Apr 28, 2023 | April 2023
After the poor performances of most of our local butterflies last year, a cold and sometimes stormy April this year is the last thing that both butterflies and recorders want in 2023.We might have climate change but there is little evidence of climate warming in the...
by hoegrangequarry | Apr 22, 2023 | April 2023
Well the promised warm and sunny conditions never really materialised this week mainly due to the cold easterly wind that prevailed although Tuesday the 18th and Thursday the 20th were mostly sunny all day which enabled many recorders to get outside and complete their...
by hoegrangequarry | Apr 17, 2023 | April 2023
Despite some sunshine over the Easter weekend which allowed many volunteers to carry out Week 2 of the transect season, the weather remains very changeable and quite stormy at times which are not the ideal conditions for butterflies to either appear or indeed complete...
by hoegrangequarry | Apr 10, 2023 | April 2023
After the wettest March since 1981, it was a very pleasant surprise to get 3 days of almost continuous sunshine at the beginning of April 2023 which pleasingly coincided with the start of the butterfly transect season. Most recorders managed to get their surveys done...